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Release Date:
- August 31, 2014 (Venice Film Festival)
- September 26, 2014 (United States)

Starring – The Boxtrolls
- Isaac Hempstead-Wright as Eggs, an orphan
- Elle Fanning as Winnie Portley Rind
- Ben Kingsley as Archibald Snatcher, a pest exterminator
- Toni Collette as Lady Portley Rind
- Jared Harris as Lord Portley Rind
- Simon Pegg as Hebert Trubshaw
- Nick Frost as Mr. Trout
- Richard Ayoade as Mr. Pickles
- Tracy Morgan as Mr. Gristle
- Maurice LaMarche as Sir Langsdale
- James Urbaniak as Sir Broderick
- Brian George as Boulanger