Cabin Fever: Patient Zero (2014) Movie HD Wallpapers – Here Movie HD Wallpapers Provides you the Free Latest Movie Photos, Film, HD Movie Wallpapers, Images, Photos, Pictures, Pics, for your Desktop, Laptop, PC, Android Phones and Smartphones.Click on Cabin Fever: Patient Zero (2014) Images To view the Wallpaper click on Wallpapers to open in new tab for the full size. Don’t Forget to Share this post on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest etc.

Starring – Cabin Fever: Patient Zero
- Sean Astin as Porter
- Currie Graham as Dr. Edwards
- Jillian Murray as Penny
- Ryan Donowho as Dobs
- Brando Eaton as Josh
- Mitch Ryan as Marcus
- Solly Duran as Camila
- Lydia Hearst as Bridget
- Claudette Lali as Kate