Download Into the Woods Movie HD Wallpapers Gallery, Photos, Images, Pictures, Pics for your Desktop, Laptop, PC & Smartphones. Browse the below gallery of Into the Woods Movie Wallpapers, which is available in different size in HD (High-Definition) resolution. Also Check out the Movie Cast, Actor, Actress, Release Date, etc.

Release Date – December 25, 2014
Starring – Into the Woods (film)
- Meryl Streep as The Witch
- James Corden as The Baker
- Emily Blunt as The Baker’s Wife
- Johnny Depp as The Wolf
- Anna Kendrick as Cinderella
- Chris Pine as Cinderella’s Prince
- Lilla Crawford as Little Red Riding Hood
- Daniel Huttlestone as Jack
- Tracey Ullman as Jack’s Mother
- Christine Baranski as Cinderella’s Stepmother
- Mackenzie Mauzy as Rapunzel
- Tammy Blanchard and Lucy Punch as Florinda and Lucinda
- Billy Magnussen as Rapunzel’s Prince
- Annette Crosbie as Little Red Riding Hood’s Grandmother
- Joanna Riding as Cinderella’s Mother
- Frances de la Tour as the Giant
- Richard Glover as the Steward
- Simon Russell Beale as the Baker’s Father