Kung Fu Panda 3 is the third film in the franchise of cartoon film Kung Fu Panda series. It is produced by DreamWorks Animation and Oriental DreamWorks, and distributed under 20th Century Fox. It was directed by Jennifer Yuh Nelson and Alessandro Carloni, written by Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger, produced by Melissa Cobb, and executive produced by Guillermo del Toro and others. Its star cast are Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Randall Duk Kim, Angelina Jolie, Lucy Liu, Jackie Chan, David Cross, Seth Rogen, James Hong, Steele Gagnon, Kate Hudson, Bryan Cranston and J.K. Simmons.
The film was released in theaters on January 29, 2016 in North America and China. The film released on March 11 in the UK and Ireland, as well as on March 24 in Australia. The film grossed over $518.9 million worldwide against the budget of $145 million.
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