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- Cast – Inderjit Nikku, Karan Kundra, Gaurav Kakkar, Kajal Jain, Sonia Mann, Isha Rikhi
- Produced By: Kapil Batra, Rajan batra, Talwinder Singh Vicky
- Co-Producer: Gurmeet Singh Kairon
- Directed by: Munish Sharma
- Cinematographer: Sangram Giri, Baikuntha Rout
- Music: Gurmeet Singh, Tonn-E Singh, Bhinda Aujla, Jass Makkar
- Editor: Naresh Jakhu
- Associate Director: Gaurav Bhalla
- Dialogues: Rj pak pak Deepak Sharma
- Writer: Yash Sunjeev Khanna
- Assistant Directors: Mahi Kaur, Neha Sharma, Sharry Uppal, Mani Shergill, Vishavjot Maan, Manish Madan, Ankit Kaushal, Rohit, Shashi Apra
- Costume Designer: Deepika Sharma (DS Trends)
- Choreographer: Vicky
- Release Date 3rd – Jan – 2014
- Genre – Comedy
- Written By Yash Sunjeev Khanna
Review – Mere Yaar Kaminey (2014)
SYNOPSIS: It is said true friendship never ends, no matter what. The whole story revolves around the married life of three friends. Two of them are dominated by their wives. They are living a dull and no-fun life. One is smart enough to maintain balance in his married life & personal life. He enjoys the company of other girls and leads a life of playboy. He, with a great effort, convinces his friends to believe in his philosophy of married life. This happens to be the start of troubles for his friends and almost break their homes. Out of fear, they try to make him understand the risks involved there in and also, try to stop him. But, he is smart enough to have narrow escapes every time. Meanwhile, his wife faces pregnancy problems and danger to her life. Now, he realizes that he is at fault, feels sorry for his misdeeds and fix up his friend’s home. But as Men will be Men, so will be our Kamineys. At the end of the story, there is re-union between the friends once again.