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Starring – Revolver Rani
- Kangana Ranaut as Alka Singh
- Vir Das as Rohan Kapoor
- Piyush Mishra as Balli
- Zakir Hussain as Udaybhan Tomar
- Pankaj Saraswat as Govind Tomar
- Kumud Mishra as Tomar
- Syed Zeeshan Quadri as Pilot
- Preeti Sood as Gutki
- Salim Javed as Puneet
- Jami Jafry as Mithilesh Singh
- Zafar Khan as Bheem Singh
- Rahul Gandhi as Jay
- Abhijeet Shetty as Viru
- Pathy as CEO of OZO
- Deana Uppal as Nisha
- Nikunj Malik as Zahira
- Sanjay Singh as Home Minister