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Starring – The Book Thief (film) (2013)
- Sophie Nélisse as Liesel Meminger
- Geoffrey Rush as Hans Hubermann
- Emily Watson as Rosa Hubermann
- Ben Schnetzer as Max Vandenburg
- Nico Liersch as Rudy Steiner
- Joachim Paul Assböck as SS officer
- Sandra Nedeleff as Sarah
- Hildegard Schroedter as Frau Becker
- Rafael Gareisen as Walter Kugler
- Gotthard Lange as Gravedigger
- Godehard Giese as Policeman on train
- Roger Allam as Death
- Barbara Auer as Ilsa Hermann
don’t give me info on this bullshit movie the only good thing was the bangable chick that has a good ass id fuck the absolute shit outta her, do ya reckon ill ever have a chance with her